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Design and Graphics Monograms
February 5, 2022
I made these monograms five years ago for my practice.
Color: Gradient (original color) | #E71F68 ↭ #92C020
Reflection: Gradient | White ↭ Black
Font: Cooper Black
Software Used: Adobe Illustrator
Color: Gradient (Green Beach) | #02AAB0 ↭ #00CDAC
Reflection: Gradient (Green Beach) | #02AAB0 ↭ #00CDAC
Font: Cooper Black
Software Used: Adobe Illustrator
Color: Gradient (Sha La La) | #D66D75 ↭ #E29587
Font: Baker Book
Software Used: Adobe Illustrator
Colors: #000428, #004E92
Font: Aerolite
Software Used: Adobe Illustrator
Colors: #DDD6F3, #FAACA8
Font: ParmaPetit
Software Used: Adobe Illustrator